Essential self-care rituals for Fall


The transition to fall is one of my favourite times of the year. When sunny skies are mixed with cool breezes. The trees turn fiery hues of orange and red. The skies invite moody clouds and pouring rain. Being inside bundled up warm and cozy on a rainy day is one of my ideal situations.

Taking time to look after yourself during this time is important. The change of weather and lack of sun brings our immune system down. You can feed your inner autumn and boost your immune system in many ways. I personally like to make nourishing vegetable soups, warm breakfasts, and mugs of herbal or green tea. Make your own tea by boiling water with ginger slices, lemon, and honey together for a few minutes. There’s also nothing better than a hot bath with Epsom salts and essential oils to soothe your body and soul. Make a date with your significant other or family to have a movie night at home with candles and popcorn.

Carving time out of your day to connect with your breath and movement is another important factor in relieving stress, boosting mood, and taming anxiety. Wether it’s an at-home meditation or making time to come into the studio, you will always thank yourself for it.


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