My biggest regret

Here’s some food for thought - you’re not the same person you were this morning. Why? Because that was in the past. The past doesn’t exist right now. If you are not the same person you were yesterday, then what is the point of guilt and regretting the past?

Regrets. There’s always that one regret, that one mistake that changes everything in our life.

There were a few moments like that for me. Such as:

  • Toxic friendships I wish I didn’t make

  • Unhealthy habits that I wish I broke earlier than I did

  • Realizing my self-worth early on

  • This list can go on

But most of my biggest regrets have always been not helping someone when I had the chance. One example that comes to mind is the time I told my late grandfather that I didn’t have time to teach him how to use a computer and cellphone. I wish I could go back in time and teach him how to text, answer an email and use the internet. Now it’s too late.

It’s easy to sit back and feel bad about where in life we could have done better. However, who we are NOW is what matters. Our actions in the present is important. Why? Because this present moment you are in, is real. The past isn’t real anymore. The future isn’t real. So they simply do not matter. What matters is the present.

So, make each second count. Feel grateful for being alive and having vitality run through your veins. Serve yourself by helping others AND expect nothing in return. By doing this, you will find yourself connecting to the world around you and the world becoming a part of you. The barriers that separate our happiness from other people’s happiness will dissolve and regret will be the last thing on your mind.

So today, help someone without expecting anything in return. It can be a simple act such as kindly smiling at someone in the street or anonymously paying someone’s bill at a cafe. Get creative with how you can help others and then feel happiness starting to bloom within your heart, like a lotus greeting the sun in the early morning.

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The ebb & flow of Fall


Its time to take off the ego's tinted glasses