YTT Student Story - Maja Pilipovic

Maja Pilipovic is a student in our 230-hour Yoga Teacher Training. Being a student of yoga for over a decade, Maja finally onboarded a Yoga Teacher Training in 2022 when her curiosity in yoga reached a peak during the COVID-19 pandemic time. In this teacher training program, Maja has experienced shifts and personal growth she never experienced from elsewhere. Hear Maja shares her yoga journey and thoughts on the program.

What made you want to study Yoga and become a teacher?

I have been practicing yoga on and off since my early 20’s. However, my true passion for yoga ignited during the covid lockdown in 2020. Prior to teaching yoga, I was a flight attendant living in the Middle East. Through my work I got to visit countries where yoga is a way of life and each time those places left me with a feeling of peace and curiosity. The one question that frequently crossed my mind was “what is it that they understand that I’m not able to grasp yet?”

I had to return home to Vancouver once covid lockdowns started. I was home and found myself standing still for the first time in 7 years. I didn’t know how to process all the adventures I’ve just been on. It was that time yoga came into my life to show me the way. 

I wanted to study yoga for my self at first. When I saw this program at Jai Yoga, I knew it was a great opportunity for me to learn more about yoga and gain the ability to share my knowledge with others.

What do you think of the curriculum?

I think the curriculum is great! We got to learn all different aspects of what yoga is. Among everything taught in the program, I enjoyed learning about yoga mythology the most! We also learned different aspects and types of yoga practice in this program. I discover that my passion lies in restorative and yin yoga. It is where I want to deepen my yoga study. Being able to hold space for anyone who wants to slow down to look within is one of my greatest joys. 

What do you enjoy the most about the program?

I enjoy most about this program is the great people I got to meet along this journey. Each and everyone, from the faculty to the peers, has made my past 4 months so memorable.

I am passionate about connecting with people through the art of moment. This YTT journey at Jai Yoga definitely gave me the opportunity to do so, and further equipped me with skills to share the joy of yoga with my community.


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